About Us
Behaviorome Sciences was founded in March of 2009 to provide public access to extensions of prior research done by the Founder over the past 13 years. Products and services currently being developed at Behaviorome Sciences are the result of merging two different directions of the Founder's prior research.
One direction is represented by a 5-year study of a case of SSRI-refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder. This study, which explored a new hypothesis for OCD and BDD and presented evidence for a possible new treatment, supports the value of a comprehensive microbehavioral description of illness and provides a motivation for development of automated methods for behaviorome mapping.
The second direction has been concerned with the use of machine learning techniques in optical microscopy to carry out object-recognition tasks normally requiring human observers. The expertise gained in this work is now being used to couple machine learning techniques with sensor technology to facilitate automatic, real-time monitoring of obsessive-compulsive behaviors. This technology is a first step toward automated behaviorome mapping and is expected to be of great value in clinical trials.
W. L. Cleveland, Ph.D.
President and Founder